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Writer's pictureMané & Roger

Summer is in Full Swing!

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

We haven't had a chance to post in a while, because we have been busy dancing and teaching, and also because we have been working hard to add a new feature to our website! Keep reading to see what we have added. To tell you about what we've been up to, we'll go in reverse chronological order:

This coming Sunday, June 14, please join us for our three-hour intensive workshop, "Ballet for Westies"! It will be held at Maryland School of Dance, 11 am to 2 pm. You'll learn how elements of ballet technique can help you with your WCS dancing!

Details are on the Facebook event page here. If you don't use Facebook, please contact us as soon as possible for information about this opportunity!

Going back in time...

You can work on learning the 2019 International WCS Rally / Flashmob with Debbie and Roger this Thursday, July 11, also at Maryland School of Dance, 7:45-9:15. This will be the fifth of a total of 11 lessons this summer. We'll be starting with Part A, so it's the perfect time to join us if you haven't started learning the choreography yet!

At the end of June, we went to New Jersey for Liberty Swing Dance Championships 2019, and we had a great time! So much happened during that weekend! First, Mané made finals in both Sophisticated Jack & Jill and Advanced Jack & Jill... and then she won first place in both! She was thrilled! You can watch the videos on YouTube here.

Mané and Alec Grant with their first place medals!

Liberty was also dcRolePlay's 2019 competitive debut, dancing a routine choreographed by Gary McIntyre and Susan Kirklin. The team danced beautifully and came in second in the team division. Click below to see the video, hosted on dcRolePlay's Facebook page, or watch the YouTube version here.

Every year, we love attending Liberty. John Lindo works extra hard to make everyone feels happy and welcome, from little things (like having oranges and bananas available in the ballroom), to bigger things (like having food trucks available and providing complimentary breakfast). We highly recommend attending next year!

Earlier in June, we were very happy to have the opportunity to attend DC's Champions Weekend with Jordan Frisbee and Tatiana Mollman! It was a weekend full of dancing, including two packed social dance evenings and many hours of fantastic workshops. We are so lucky that Dave Moldover continues to work to bring top WCS instructors such as Jordan and Tatiana to the DC area!

The class at the Sunday advanced workshop with Jordan and Tatiana.

Now for the news about our website:

We have created a member area! If you want to access free video recaps of workshops that we have taught recently, all you need to do is click on "members" and then "video library" at the top of the page. You'll be asked to provide an email address and choose a password. After registering, you will have access! On each video, you can click on the "i" symbol to read a brief description of the workshop and see a list of the songs we used in the class. We are excited about this feature, and we can't wait to add more videos to share our passion for West Coast Swing with you!

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